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04                                                               Murad Management & Accounting Consulting            Murad Management & Accounting Consulting                                                        05

                    About                                                                                                                Work                                          outputs, accurately through specially
                                                                                                                                                                                       prepared questionnaire forms, review

                                 Us                                                                                                               Stages                               financial and administrative statements

                                                                                                                                                                                       and company policies, as well as con-

                                                                                                                                 First Stage: Examine the present status  duct interviews with officials.

          Murad Management & Accounting Consult-                                                                                 of the company, analyze, fact-find and  This data is analyzed to identify the

          ing is a leading company in the field of con-                                                                          gather information, whether inputs or  problems and challenges  facing the

          sulting services, feasibility studies and build-                                                                                                                             company.

          ing financial and administrative systems and                                                                                                                                 Second Stage: Identifying major prob-

          plans. It aims to empower and develop insti-                                                                                                                                 lems and their causes, then, in order

          tutions through a participatory approach and                                                                                                                                 to be addressed, developing a compre-

          use effective financial and management best                                                                                                                                  hensive detailed operational plan

          practices  for the success of the course of                                                                                                                                  that includes the specific actions and

          actions and place them on the right track by                                                                                                                                 resources required.

          developing and following up the work plans                                                                                                                                   Third Stage: Follow up the implementa-

          and implementation of these plans.                                                                                                                                           tion of the operational plan, evaluate

                                                                                                                                                                                       performance and adjust the course if any

          We consider our high experience in all fields                                                                                                                                deviations arise during implementation.

          and activities  of professional  companies to                                                                                                                                Prior to the commencement of any advi-

          be one of our most outstanding features;                                                                                                                                     sory or corrective works, a detailed work
                                                                                                                                                                                       plan is developed describing and clarify-

          Our  Team  is  consisted  of  professional                                                                                                                                   ing the proposed actions and specifying

          experts  with  extensive  experience  in  the                                                                                                                                a time limit for implementation, which

          financial,  accounting  and administrative                                                                                                                                   shall be presented to senior manage-

          fields, and has an exceptional ability to ana-                                                                                                                               ment for appropriate decision-making

          lyze situations and provide appropriate solu-                                                                                                                                and approval.

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