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08                                                                Murad Management & Accounting Consulting            Murad Management & Accounting Consulting                                                        09

                Our                                  The Company has a team with high financial

                                                     and administrative experience, with over 25
                      Team                           years of professional experience, working

                                                     in various fields of work in local and over-

                                                     seas  companies.  Enjoys  a  proven  track

                  1                                  record  of  achievements  in  various  fields

                                                     and has the exceptional ability to lead and

           Has over 10 years of experience           manage institutions in a strategic manner

           in the field of major contracting         that ensures success.

           companies,  dealing with large

           projects worth more than $100                                   2

           million  per year, proving its                                                                                                   3

           worth in  organizing  and man-

           aging huge financial operations                        Has over 8 years of experience in the                                                                                            4

           and making tangible profits.                           industries sector, especially in major                               Has valuable experience in the field of
                                                                  pharmaceutical factories,  where it                                  major tourism companies,  where it

                                                                  demonstrated  its  exceptional  abili-                               managed and directed successful                       Has extensive business experience,

                                                                  ties  in  improving financial  and                                   companies in this sector and contrib-                 has managed and developed  the

                                                                  administrative      processes       and                              uted to the development and                           business of multiple  companies in

                                                                  achieving legal compliance.                                          improvement of these companies                        this  sector,  and  has  made  positive

                                                                                                                                       performance to achieve tangible suc-                  transformations      and     strategic
                                                                                                                                       cesses.                                               development to achieve growth and


                                                                                                                                                                            Has  serving  as  a  consultant  for  several  local,

                                                                                                                                                               5            regional and international companies, providing

                                                                                                                                                                            high-value  financial  and  management  consulting,

                                                                                                                                                                            and helping companies achieve their goals and
                                                                                                                                                                            excellence in the competitive business environment.
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