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06                                                               Murad Management & Accounting Consulting            Murad Management & Accounting Consulting                                                        07

                                                                       Our services are centered on improving the
                                                                       effectiveness of companies' work, expand-                      Provided                                               Conducting  studies  and  evaluating  compa-
                Why                                                    ing their scope, and entering new markets                                                                             nies,  where we analyze  financial  perfor-

                                                                       so that we build custom strategies based
             Choose Us ?                                               on customer  needs and combine  deep                                          Services                                mance, risks and opportunities for compa-
                                                                                                                                                                                             nies,  enabling you to make strategic  deci-
                                                                       knowledge of the industry with a long-term

                                                                       commitment  to  supporting corporate                                                                                  sions based on strong foundations.
                                                                       growth.                                                        Business financial  planning, where we                 Specialized  financial  and  tax  consulting,

              Because WE take a responsive personal                    We are keen to maintain  the quality  of                       help  you  analyze  and  assess  financial             where we can help you with tax planning, tax
              approach with our customers and custom-                  financial  services  and risk management                       needs and develop strategies to achieve                administration and get the most out of avail-

              ized  if  required  and provide  a  range of             and provide continuous support to our cus-                     your financial goals.                                  able tax benefits.
              services to help them overcome the com-                  tomers  and  strive  to  achieve  customer                     Preparing economic feasibility studies and             Build and structure the financial and admin-

              plex matters in the company.                             satisfaction and build strong and sustain-                     monitoring their applicability  on the                 istrative systems of companies and institu-

              Our team is qualified and experienced and                able relationships with them. Our team is                      ground, helping  you make well-informed                tions,  helping  to  improve the efficiency  of
              consists  of  specialized  consultants  who              committed  to the highest standards of                         financial decisions that achieve the desired           operations and simplify procedures.

              can  provide  professional  support and                  professional ethics and good financial                         returns.                                               Build and create job descriptions of financial
              advice to customers and work with them to                practices.                                                     Rebuild  and structure  the  financial  and            and administrative functions  and depart-

              achieve  success  and  face  challenges  in              Management consultants  are specialized                        administrative departments of companies                ments according to the company's work
              financial consulting, risk management, tax               practitioners who can advise you not only                      and organize them according to the foun-               requirements, helping to define responsibil-

              consulting, corporate finance, government                on what to do but will  also be part of                        dations,  standards, requirements and                  ities and achieve organization and effective-
              transactions,  real estate  consulting,                  providing  the  answer.  We  can  help  you                    needs of the work, thereby enhancing the               ness.

              administrative     consulting,    research               make better decisions, reduce costs, build                     efficiency  of the work and improving                  Build all financial and administrative proce-
              services,  and other specialized  services               a more effective system, and develop the                       performance.                                           dures and policies according to each compa-

              and problem-solving.                                     most appropriate technology strategies to                                                                             ny's business requirements, ensuring com-
                                                                       use.                                                                                                                  pliance with legal standards and legislation.

                                                                                                                                                                                             Train and qualify  financial  managers and
                                                                                                                                                                                             accountants to meet their functional require-

                                                                                                                                                                                             ments and meet the company's  objectives
                                                                                                                                                                                             and requirements, thereby enhancing their

                                                                                                                                                                                             capabilities and efficiency.

                                                                                                                                                                                             Build  and implement global and local
                                                                                                                                                                                             systems (ERP System) for both companies'

                                                                                                                                                                                             financial and administrative systems (Major,
                                                                                                                                                                                             Medium and Small).
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